There is hope for Natal fever ridden Kzn after all. Youngster Will Cranmer put a lot of graft in organising the Durban Model Centre Helicopter fly in at the Valley club.
Much hard work had been put in to the manicured grass field, complete with peg frequency control and neat litter bins.
09h00 Saturday and the car park surprisingly full already, given the threatening weather. The pilots gathered together and Will gave a most competent briefing, with string emphasis on the safey element. The out of otown vehicle registrations included Howick and Newcastle.
This pair of natty electrics caught my eye and gave an excellent display, to complement the larger gas 3D versions that were mind boggling!
Some of the pit area, a gazebo is the answer for the expensive kit.
All areas neatly sign posted in the beautiful setting.
The only heli exception was Michel Leusch's awesome Sukhoi. Probably not too far from the heli concept as is spent 98% of the flight hanging on the prop!
The Sukhoi pulling away from the dam, moments after splashing the water with the rudder.
Post flight chat.
Yup, you even knew where the port a loo was.
Full credit to Will for initiating the event, which will surely lead to other local events of a similar type.
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