03 May 2010

Nog 'n Witblitz powered project from Mark

Mark's knock off of the foam flattie jet, powered by the little Suppo motor, flew remarkably well on Sunday morning. Very sweet to fly and the aileron throw could easily be doubled.
We have been trying a bit of "blind leading the blind" novice aerobatics from the MAASA schedule, thanks to some email guidance from Neil Allen. We have come to appreciate that our parkies are only suited to the early wind zero wind so our attendance at one the Neil's comps, if there is the normal Cato wind, will be a tad problematic. The little Mini Ultra Stick is proving an ideal option for our level, prompting Mike Smith to rev one out on Saturday for its maiden on Sunday. Simon has been tweaking Ryan's Mini Ultra Stick settings, including motor thrust line and their MUS now lands without any of the normal bobble and bounce...... In fact we are all learning to adjust the model to the task, rather than cobbling the radio to fix things - great fun and education at the same time.

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